Farewell And Arrival
Design concept for various media together with Leonard Siegwardt on the occasion of the HGB Diploma Rundgang 12.7. - 14.7.2024
Meike Giebeler (Head of Press and Public Relations HGB)
Ilse Lafer (Curator, Head of the HGB Gallery)
Janine Sauter (Graphic Designer)
Poster, DIN A0, 841 x 1018 mm
Poster, 700 x 1000 mm
Exhibition reader, 130 x 195 mm
Signage system, various sizes
Leonard Siegwardt and I worked on the content dimension of the term “graduation” for the appearance of the HGB Diploma Rundgang 2024. Based on a possible dichotomy of the German words “(Ab)Schluss” (Graduation) and “Beginn” (Beginning), we wanted to open up a position in our graphic work that understands graduation, or the farewell itself, as a beginning or an arrival. The graduation – is it “the end”? With this in mind, we discussed possible pictorial and typographical references to the initial question.
The image of twilight, sunrise or sunset?, is such a transit zone between “the one” and “the other” – between the days, between day and night. With this uncertainty as to whether the day is beginning or ending, we have attempted to synthesize this similar question with the degree from the university.
Typographically, we worked with the register, index and imprint, whereby the latter can also precede or follow the content as such in the book, in the publication. In that list we added words referring to the dichotomy of end and beginning.
This idea is extended further in the development of the exhibition reader, in that we particularly influenced the dramaturgical structure of a publication in terms of the question: “Beginning or end?”. Furthermore, for the cover design, we have provided an index starting U4 on U1 with text references from the respective exhibition texts of the individual graduates, which refer to the dichotomy of beginning and end.